Chateau Laurier
Downtown Ottawa
Located in the center of Downtown Ottawa, Fairmont Château Laurier is minutes away from its biggest attractions including: The Parliament Buildings, Rideau Canal, Byward Market, National Gallery of Canada, Shaw Center, and the National Arts Centre. The Chateau Laurier is one of the most sticking and elegant venues for a wedding in Ottawa.

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Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings Westin DSC08727 V3
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Mitch Lenet Weddings strathmereMitch Lenet Weddings ottawa venueJAS07411
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Mitch Lenet Weddings strathmereMitch Lenet Weddings bean town ottawa venueBEZ_5666
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Mitch Lenet Weddings strathmereMitch Lenet Weddings bean town ottawa venueDSC02644
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Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings westin ottawa venueDSC08692
Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings 5MK37985
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Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings BEZ_1316
Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings Chateau Laurier-41125 v1
Mitch Lenet Weddings strathmereMitch Lenet Weddings bean town ottawa venueDSC05894
Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings westin ottawa venueDSC08743
Mitch Lenet Weddings strathmereMitch Lenet Weddings bean town ottawa venueDSC02720
Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings MLP_9055
Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings traffic MLP_0098 v1
Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings BEZ_1387
Mitch Lenet Weddings strathmereMitch Lenet Weddings ottawa venueJAS07362
Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings BEZ_1527
Mitch Lenet Weddings strathmereMitch Lenet Weddings strathmereJAS07290-2
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Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings 5MK41037-2
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Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings _AM27772
Mitch Lenet Weddings Mitch Lenet Weddings 5MK38006
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